Intermodal route planner

Future mobility


Realisation of an intermodal route planner will contribute to smoother traffic and reduction of the environmental burden caused by automobile traffic within the territory of the Capital City of Prague. This project will provide residents and visitors to the Capital city of Prague with a mobile application that will make travelling around the Capital City of Prague easier in relation to the Central Bohemian Region, or more precisely within the area covered Prague Integrated Transport. The intermodal route planner will be part of the PID Lítačka mobile application and it can be used to find the best route using a combination of various modes of transport, including car parks and pedestrian routes. It will also enable selection of the best route depending on the parameters entered by the user. 


Project benefits

  • contributing to the continuity of traffic
  • Reducing environmental burdens
  • Facilitating the transportation of residents and visitors to the capital city of Prague
  • Promoting a more environmentally friendly means of transport



2022 – 2023 Pilot operation

2024 – Routine operation



Operator ICT, A.S.




Regional Authority Central Bohemia Region


More information: 

The project received 34 points / 79 points in the SPI in the preparatory phase. This figure is in the "SPI thermometer" for graphical representation


Project status

Regular operation

Operátor ICT, a. s.

Smart Prague Index

Turquoise smartmetermetodika hodnocení

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