All indicators

Smart Prague Index

1. Mobility of the Future

1.1 Number of EVs per capita

Resulting indicator value1 10581059234120613598
CalculationPopulation / Number of registered Evs
Number of registered electric cars1 1721 6152 2363 9116 1869 49614 119
Population of Prague*1 294 5131 308 6321 324 2771 335 0841 274 5621 286 1201 384 732

Source: Internal communication with the Department of Transport and Administrative Activities of the Capital City of Prague.*CSO

1.2 Number of parking permits for EV

Resulting indicator value7421 3111 2825 95010 40616 82133 799
CalculationNumber of issued parking permits for EV and vehicles that have EL in SS

Source: Internal communication with ODO MHMP

1.3 Number of shared EVs per capita

Resulting indicator value76 14821 45319 1925 5175 767643 060461 577
CalculationPopulation / Number of shared EVs
Number of shared EVs17616924222123
Population of Prague*1 294 5131 308 6321 324 2771 335 0841 274 5621 286 1201 384 732

Source: Internal communication with the Department of Transport and Administrative Activities of the Capital City of Prague.*CSO

1.4 Character of the sharing system fleet

Resulting indicator value6 %9 %18 %35 %43 %30 %28 %
CalculationNumber of shared EVs and hybrid cars / Number of shared cars [%]
Number of shared Evs17616924222123
Number of shared hybrid cars00100278441551456
Number of cars shared2656509191 4661 5541 8501 613

Source: Internal communication with ODO MHMP and freely available information

1.5 E-carsharing in passenger transport

Resulting indicator value2,01‰6,91‰7,57‰26,14‰22,77‰0,20‰0,27‰
CalculationNumber of shared EVs / Number of registered vehicles of category M1 [‰]
Number of shared EVs17616924222123
Number of registered M1 vehicles844 613882 717911 844925 716970 7551 003 7281 102 493

Source: Internal communications with the provider of e-carsharing, Central Register of Vehicles of the Ministry of Transport

1.6 Accessibility of shared Evs

Resulting indicator value4 %13 %14 %51 %46 %0 %1 %
CalculationNumber of shared EVs / Critical penetration value [%]
Number of shared EVs17616924222123
Critical penetration value of shared cars in the Capital City of Prague479479479479479479479

Source: Data coming from the above-mentioned EY study and the values provided by ODO PCH.

1.8 Penetration of public charging infrastructure

Resulting indicator value8,55 km22,74 km21,89 km21,57 km20,82 km20,65 km20,40 km2
CalculationCity area / Number of charging stations
Number of charging stations581812633156027631 230
CCP area in km2496496496496496496496

Source: Internal communication with PRE, ČEZ, innogy, Pražská plynárenská

1.9 Extent of fast public charging infrastructure

Resulting indicator value28 %19 %35 %38 %40 %17 %33 %
CalculationNumber of DC charging stations / Total number of charging stations [%]
Number of DC charging stations163592121241118412
Number of AC charging stations42146171194361575813
Number of HPC charging stationsN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A5
Total number of charging stations581812633156026931 230

Source: Internal communication with PRE, ČEZ, innogy, Pražská plynárenská

1.10 Availability of charging infrastructure according to the development of the number of Evs

Resulting indicator value20,218,928,5012,4210,2813,7011,48
CalculationNumber of registered EVs / Number of charging stations
Number of charging stations581812633156026931 230
Number of registered Evs1 1721 6152 2363 9116 1869 49614 119

Source: Internal communication with ODO MHMP, PRE, ČEZ, innogy, Pražská plynárenská

1.11 Use of charging infrastructure (number of charges)

Type of stationFast charging stationRegular charging stationFast charging stationRegular charging stationFast charging stationRegular charging stationFast charging stationRegular charging stationFast charging stationRegular charging stationFast charging stationRegular charging station
Resulting indicator value15,711,317,27,032,312,215,86,210,89,65,75,6N/AN/A
CalculationNumber of charges/ Number of registered EVs
Number of recharges17 65012 72326 94610 94272 78727 54872 01928 27677 99068 77454 51552 802187 682133 156
Number of registered Evs1 1241 5692 2534 5477 1919 49614 119

Source: Internal communication with PRE, ČEZ, innogy, Pražská plynárenská

1.12 Use of charging infrastructure (amount of energy taken)

Fast charging station (DC)224 509 kWh324 116 kWh818 133 kWh1 857 053 kWh1 178 921 kWh1 072 889 kWh3 981 920 kWh
Normal charging station (AC)141 174 kWh121 281 kWh268 615 kWh405 759 kWh640 670 kWh606 089 kWh1 592 106 kWh

Source: Internal communication with PRE, ČEZ, innogy, Pražská plynárenská

1.13 Buses powered by an electric motor

Resulting indicator value1 0521 0926245361348786
CalculationTotal number of buses in the fleet / Number of electric buses
Number of electric buses*2245233638
Total number of buses in the DPP fleet*1 1701 1621 1441 1661 2031 1931 207
Total number of buses of other PID carriers9341 0221 3501 5161 8891 9562 049
Number of km driven by e-bus60 75545 940116 660168 93055 377410 907520 916

Source: Internal communication with Arriva, DPP, ROPID. *Includes 1 battery trolleybus.

1.14 E-bus Distance Travelled

Resulting indicator value1 1921 6466484161 269179143
CalculationTotal number of bus kilometres / Number of km driven by e-buses
Number of km driven by e-bus60 75545 940116 660168 93055 377410 907520 916
Total bus kilometres travelled72 450 00075 632 10075 577 30970 349 69070 266 50973 717 98774 236 554
Number of vehicle kilometres of DPP buses in the Capital City of Prague64 683 00067 900 00067 540 00061 100 00060 770 78864 009 51764 356 283
Vehicle kilometres of city buses outside the DPP in the Capital City of Prague7 767 0007 732 1008 037 3099 249 6909 495 7219 708 4709 880 271

Source: Internal communication with Arriva, DPP, ROPID

1.15 Number of smart parking spaces

Resulting indicator value0 %7 %6 %7 %25 %25 %29 %
CalculationNumber of functional P+R parking spaces equipped with intelligent sensors / Total capacity of P+R car parks in the Capital City of Prague
Number of functional P+R parking spaces equipped with intelligent sensors02602602601 1461 1461 345
The total capacity of P+R car parks in the Capital City of Prague3 7093 9664 0103 7104 6304 5624 685

Source: Internal communication with TSK

1.16 Smart Traffic Lights

Resulting indicator value71 %72 %73 %75 %78 %78 %80 %
CalculationNumber of Traffic Lights connected to HDŘÚ / Total number of Traffic Lights in the territory of the Capital City of Prague
Number of Traffic Lights connected to HDŘÚ466478484503528539544
Total number of SSZ660665667668675692684

Source: Internal communication with TSK

1.17 Public transport preference rate at intersections

Resulting indicator value79% ; 35%83% ; 36%85% ; 37%89% ; 38%90% ; 39%89% ; 38%89% ; 38%
CalculationNumber of SSZs with preference on the tram network / Total number of SSZs on the tram network; Number of SSZ with preference on the bus network / Total number of SSZ
Number of SSZ with preference on the tram network197206211219223229240
Total number of SSZ on tram network 248248248247249253257
Number of SSZ with preference on the bus network232238245251260274300
Total number of SSZ660665667668675682684

Source: Internal communication with TSK

1.18 Smart elements of transport infrastructure

Resulting indicator value21212323232323
CalculationNumber of transport infrastructure elements capable of V2I communication
Number of RSUs21212323232323

Source: Internal communication with TSK

1.19 Traffic flow

Rush hour speed (km/h)33,835,435,441,8NA38,627,4
Velocity outside of traffic hour (km/h)43,543,541,854,7NA53,148,4
Free traffic speed (km/h)51,551,551,5NANANANA

Source: INRIX, "Scorecard", Inrix, available from

1.20 Smooth running of buses

Resulting indicator value25,16 ; 16,7025,01 ; 16,8024,98 ; 16,9024,94 ; 16,8024,93 ; 16,8024,94 ; 16,7024,94 ; 16,80
CalculationAverage cruising speed [km/h] / Average running speed [km/h]

Source: Internal communication with DPP

1.21 Readiness of roads for the use of autonomous vehicles

Resulting indicator value0000000
CalculationNumber of kilometres of roads enabling autonomous driving / Total number of kilometres of roads on the territory of the Capital City of Prague managed by TSK
Number of kilometres of roads allowing autonomous driving0000000
The total number of km of roads on the territory of the Capital City of Prague managed by TSK2 3272 3652 3272 3272 3422 3562 356

Source: Internal communication with TSK

1.22 Use of autonomous control in the metro

Resulting indicator value64 %71 %77 %84 %90 %95 %95 %
CalculationNumber of autonomously controlled metro sets / Total number of metro sets
Number of autonomously controlled metro sets according to automation levels no. 2 94103113123132139139
The total number of subway trains146146146146146146146

Source: Internal communication with DPP

1.23 Use of autonomous management in public transport

Resulting indicator valueNA20 %23 %28 %27 %31 %31 %
CalculationNumber of vehicle kilometres driven by public transport in autonomous mode / Total number of vehicle kilometres driven by public transport vehicles
Number of vehicle kilometres travelled by public transport in autonomous mode *NA35 902 64542 384 31347 594 40046 363 93055 322 39855 864 949
Total number of vehicle kilometres driven by public transport / DPP vehicles - metro58 128 00059 244 00060 894 00056 660 00056 791 00059 210 45358 847 229
Total number of vehicle kilometres driven by all public transport / DPP vehicles - trams, buses, cable cars119 776 000120 748 000121 278 000111 372 000112 200 000119 307 000120 165 000
Total number of vehicle kilometres driven by all public transport / DPP vehicles177 904 000179 992 000182 172 000168 032 000168 991 000178 517 453179 012 229

Source: Internal communication with DPP

1.24 Access to traffic information

Resulting indicator value3333333
RDS – TMC (Radio Data System - Traffic Message Channel)workingworkingworkingworkingworkingworkingworking
Active devices for operational information (ZPI)71 pieces71 pieces71 pieces72 pieces72 pieces69 pieces68 pieces
City mobile transport appnot fulfilled not fulfilled not fulfilled not fulfilled not fulfilled not fulfilled not fulfilled
Open traffic data updated in real timeAvailable at,,, www.dopravapraha.cz, www.dopravapraha.cz

Source: Internal communication with TSK

1.25 Maturity of public transport payment systems

Resulting indicator value4555555
Number of paper tickets sold39 477 38836 897 10829 880 02210 750 3797 168 0358 412 4027 916 563
Number of users Lítačka / Opencard602 000 / 249 000757 270 / 133 433904 719 / 157 496972 910967 5731 300 000 +1 500 000 +
Number of text message tickets sold18 969 76318 956 14517 689 31910 455 11810 667 64710 278 1599 302 899
Number of tickets purchased with a contactless payment card in cars / using new ticket machines for contactless cards57 912 / 5 087 42366 244 / 7 025 2941 956 019 / 12 426 9911 857 730/8 015 0422 682 753/11 135 800N/A6 185 935 / 18 685 837
Implemented MOSImplementation in preparationFull operationFull operationFull operationFull operationFull operationFull operation
Number of registered bank cards in the PID Lítačka system / with a couponNA26 234 / 11 70871 395 / 28 20875 813 / 35 71661 73341 296NA
Number of registered ČD In Cards in the PID Lítačka / coupon systémNA5 816 / 3 74312 046 / 7 68114 980 / 977213 6092 735NA
Number of registered PID Lítačka users (created accounts in the e-shop)NA204 955524 356753 456995 8851 066 562NA
Number of shared / associated accountsNA321 / 16 5921 487 / 15 6022 779 / 42 3354 385 / 53 2631 576NA
Share of accesses to web desktop / mobile devices / tabletsNA57,5% / 39% / 3,5%51,66 % / 46,75 % / 1,59 %50,22% / 48,34 % / 1,44 %43,25% / 55,78% / 0,97%NANA

Source: Internal communication with DPP, ROPID, OICT

1.26 Maturity of public transport handling systems

Resulting indicator value2344444
Handling using paper tickets and couponsYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Handling using electronic tickets and coupons on a specific carrierYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Handling using electronic tickets and coupons on the identifier (does not have to be a carrier)NoYesYesYesYesYesYes
Handling using virtual tickets and coupons (in the mobile application)NoNoYesYesYesYesYes

Source: OICT internal resources

1.27 Utilization of the urban application for urban transport

Resulting indicator valueNA66,3474,8857,2586,39142,10194,52
CalculationNumber of connection search requests and ticket purchases / Number of unique application downloads
Number of connection search requestsNA13 968 00019 854 72821 552 30831 635 39553 338 02772 106 596
Number of ticket purchasesNA227 8001 932 0382 284 5784 331 2565 825 6468 880 258
Number of unique application downloads: Android / iOS50 613 / 7 814186 000 / 28 000242 456 / 48 512264 518 / 151 833389 780 / 92 219470 000 / 381 000480 000 / 516 000

Source: For 2017 it provided ROPID data and they are valid for the mobile application "PID info", since 2018, it is OICT data for the mobile application PID Lítačka.

1.28 Information panels at stops

Resulting indicator value27181715161210
CalculationTotal number of stops within the PID on the territory of the Capital City of Prague / Number of stop markers providing information in real time
Number of stop signs providing real-time information, including information panels providing departure information outside the signs125189203218220291331
The total number of stops within the PID on the territory of the Capital City of Prague3 3313 4013 3543 3623 4703 4693 448

Source: Internal communication with ROPID and DPP and data are valid as of December 31st of the respective year

1.29 Premature deaths due to air pollution

Resulting indicator value526703821587NANANA
CalculationEstimated number of deaths as a result of air pollution / Number of inhabitants of the Czech Republic* Number of inhabitants of Prague
Estimated number of deaths due to air pollution - national average4 3005 7006 6004 700NANANA
Population of Prague1 294 5131 308 6321 324 2771 335 0841 274 5621 286 1201 384 732
Number of inhabitants of CZ 10 578 82010 610 05510 649 80010 693 93910 701 77710 759 52510 900 555

CZSO in the Capital City of Prague "; available reports on the state of the environment 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 of the Ministry of the Environment and CZSO.

1.30 Time spent in traffic congestion

Resulting indicator value*1191191289411411966
CalculationNumber of hours spent in traffic congestion

TomTom Traffic Index“, available at

1.31 Age of registered vehicles

Resulting indicator value17,516,615,614,813,913NA
CalculationAverage age of vehicles registered in the City of Prague in categories M1 - M2 - M3 - N1
Category M112,611,610,610,811,012,812,6
Category M218,917,317,318,319,1NANA
Category M313,512,611,411,511,2NANA
Category N112,511,811,111,511,712,413,3

*since SPI 2022, the calculation has changed and only categories M1 and N1 are used as a summary result

Source: Internal communication with the Department of Transport and Administrative Activities of the Capital City of Prague

1.32 Pollution - dust particles

LocationMedian PM 10 [µg.m-3]PM 10 average [µg.m-3]Number of days with exceeded daily average LV - 50 [µg. m-3]Median PM 10 [µg.m-3]PM 10 average [µg.m-3]Number of days with exceeded daily average LV - 50 [µg. m-3]Median PM 10 [µg.m-3]PM 10 average [µg.m-3]Number of days with exceeded daily average LV - 50 [µg. m-3]Median PM 10 [µg.m-3]PM 10 average [µg.m-3]Number of days with exceeded daily average LV - 50 [µg. m-3]Median PM 10 [µg.m-3]PM 10 average [µg.m-3]Number of days with exceeded daily average LV - 50 [µg. m-3]
Praha 1 Náměstí Republiky 2730,73821,724,81916,019,171719,81119,821,458
Praha 2 Legerova 28,530,8294021,825,52518,821,39N/AN/AN/A20,723,111
Praha 2 Riegerovy sady 23,626,752216,620,0915,417,841517,9617,419,35
Praha 11 Chodov - managed as 4 - Chodov19,522,161214,016,5613,215,141315,8313,915,91
Praha 12 Libuš - managed as Praha 4 - Libuš20,323,181614,017,0612,815,231316,4315,417,41
Praha 5 Smíchov 31,333,433823,228,113NANANANANANANANANA
Praha 13 Řeporyje - managed as Praha 5 - Řeporyje28,833,361619,323,52114,017,0717,519,2914,610,84
Praha 13 Stodůlky 21,6524,421715,017,5913,516,051417,00515,016,82
Praha 6 Břevnov 22,124,631615,117,61013,615,741315,7415,116,82
Praha 6 Suchdol 21,424,462215,918,71014,316,731416,9313,515,81
Praha 8 Karlín 31,533,154623,025,71718,621,881822,1921,624,015
Praha 8 Kobylisy 21,524,851916,519,61015,317,651517,4616,317,62
Praha 9 Vysočany 26,429,582819,723,21617,620,1818,521,81122,224,013
Praha 15 Průmyslová - managed as Praha 1026,930,693320,123,21719,722,6121822,11221,924,012
Praha 10 Šrobárova 20,822,08214,116,8513,115,1314,016,24NANANA
Praha 10 Vršovice 29,934,495320,625,42818,020,881822,11621,920,78
Praha 6 - Letiště Praha32,736,474921,924,21414,517,1817,519,97NANA NA

Source: Data come from the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute. Note: At the station Prague 5 - Smíchov, the measurement was interrupted for technical reasons on April 11th, 2019.

1.33 Pollution - benzo(a)pyrene

LocationAverage annual concentration [µg.m-3]Average annual concentration [µg.m-3]Average annual concentration [µg.m-3]Average annual concentration [µg.m-3]Average annual concentration [µg.m-3]Average annual concentration [µg.m-3]Average annual concentration [µg.m-3]Average annual concentration [µg.m-3]
Praha 2 Riegrovy sady 0,00070,00090,0007250,000620,000500,00060,00055NA
Praha 12 Libuš 0,0008NA0,0007410,000680,000550,00060,00063NA
Praha 13 Řeporyje 0,0029NA0,0023250,001510,00042NANANA
Praha 100,00080,00090,0007080,000730,000650,00090,0009NA

Source: Data come from the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute and are valid for the years 2016 - 2019.

1.35 NO2 pollution

LocationMedian NO2 [µg.m-3]Average NO2 [µg.m-3]Number of days with exceeded daily average LV - 40 [µg.m-3]Median NO2 [µg.m-3]Average NO2 [µg.m-3]Number of days with exceeded daily average LV - 40 [µg.m-3]Median NO2 [µg.m-3]Average NO2 [µg.m-3]Number of days with exceeded daily average LV - 40 [µg.m-3]Median NO2 [µg.m-3]Average NO2 [µg.m-3]Number of days with exceeded daily average LV - 40 [µg.m-3]Median NO2 [µg.m-3]Average NO2 [µg.m-3]Number of days with exceeded daily average LV - 40 [µg.m-3]
Praha 1 Náměstí Republiky 31,833,37726,928,73423,324,21120,523,41121,523,418
Praha 2 Legerova 55,4555,8129047,448,023839,538,916934,638,1NA36,638,0123
Praha 2 Riegerovy sady 22,524,092821,523,51917,919,6617,220,8618,520,710
Praha 11 Chodov - managed as Praha 4 - Chodov16,718,21615,016,3413,414,4211,114,5313,414,83
Praha 12 Libuš - managed as Praha 4 - Libuš16,918,621014,316,2812,413,8110,714,1312,014,13
Praha 5 Smíchov 39,540,5617435,035,035NANANANANANANANANA
Praha 13 Řeporyje - managed as Praha 5 - Řeporyje25,324,49318,419,5813,714,70NA16,5NA10,512,80,0
Praha 6 Břevnov 22,823,892921,023,12018,419,6416,620,1417,919,110
Praha 8 Karlín 28,730,377128,629,24423,224,01620,923,9924,425,425
Praha 8 Kobylisy 18,920,652018,120,31515,417,3314,018,1615,616,93
Praha 9 Vysočany 34,235,511332,633,08327,629,05026,829,71128,128,844
Praha 15 Průmyslová - managed as Praha 1029,430,597930,131,18825,425,83724,927,31224,425,025
Praha 10 Šrobárova 26,726,65919,121,32217,118,55NA19,2NA14,415,80
Praha 6 - Letiště Praha21,9523,62317,119,11112,213,80NA13,8NA11,715,10
Praha 6 - Suchdol 11,113,211NANANANANANA
Praha 10 - Vršovice 22,323,58221,024,71621,3122,8422

Source: Data come from the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute and are valid for the years 2018 and 2019. Note: At the station Prague 5 - Smíchov, the measurement was interrupted for technical reasons on April 11th, 2019.

1.36 NO pollution

LocationMedian NO [µg.m-3]Average NO [µg.m-3]Number of days with exceeded daily average LV - 30 [µg.m-3]Median NO [µg.m-3]Average NO [µg.m-3]Number of days with exceeded daily average LV - 30 [µg.m-3]Median NO [µg.m-3]Average NO [µg.m-3]Number of days with exceeded daily average LV - 30 [µg.m-3]Median NO [µg.m-3]Average NO [µg.m-3]Number of days with exceeded daily average LV - 30 [µg.m-3]Median NO [µg.m-3]Average NO [µg.m-3]Number of days with exceeded daily average LV - 30 [µg.m-3]
Praha 1 Náměstí Republiky 1519,14518,5512,3277,910,3126,99,9205,29,121
Praha 2 Legerova 36,3544,0722631,137,818722,828,7128NANANA24,730,8144
Praha 2 Riegerovy sady 24,961,94,3101,43,342,84,671,94,63
Praha 11 Chodov 1,43,101,32,751,12,331,22,8212,72
Praha 12 Libuš 1,83,721,73,672,13,531,22,931,43,01
Praha 5 Smíchov 24,931,2414418,926,835NANANANANANANANANA
Praha 13 Řeporyje - managed as Praha 5 - Řeporyje7,314,7134,37,0164,36,765,47,81246,14
Praha 6 Břevnov2,55,1682,24,9132,64,353,35,362,15,05
Praha 8 Karlín 7,211,95367,111,23469,3266,29,4195,510,134
Praha 8 Kobylisy 24,461,94,6111,93,732,34,161,84,46
Praha 9 Vysočany 12,919,977413,120,3719,213,93912,217,45811,118,072
Praha 15 Průmyslová - managed as Praha 1016,221,828719,722,99818,219,05415,921,99015,220,273
Praha 10 Šrobárova 8,713,32122,26,1171,94,362,55,2102,86,613
Praha 6 - Letiště Praha4,055,7223,14,871,52,741,72,822,23,83
Praha 6 - Suchdol 1,72,61NANANANANANA
Praha 10 - Vršovice 4,17,9235,810,3263,99,931

Source: Data come from the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute and are valid for the years 2018 and 2019. Note: At the station Prague 5 - Smíchov, the measurement was interrupted for technical reasons on April 11th, 2019.

1.37 Exceeding air pollution limits

Resulting indicator value14,23 %14,37 %12,42 %9,62 %4,20 %3,16 %5,18 %
CalculationAbsolute number of days with exceeded air pollution values LV / Number of measured days [%]
Total number of days with exceeded limit values of PM10. NO2 and NO1 9522 0151 8411 402695409786
Total number of measured days PM10. NO2 and NO at weather stations 13 71414 01814 82514 56816 55612 95715 174
Number of days with exceeded PM10 limit values2134644822359810988
Number of measured days PM10 at weather stations5 3375 3745 6576 0025 8054 3435 327
Number of days with exceeded NO2 limit values94385793262930465286
Number of measured NO2 days at weather stations4 3104 3224 5844 2945 3754 0074 927
Number of days with exceeded NO2 limit values796694427538293235412
Number of measured NO2 days at weather stations4 0674 3224 5844 2725 3764 6074 920

Source: Data come from the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute and are valid for the years 2018 and 2019. Note: At the station Prague 5 - Smíchov, the measurement was interrupted for technical reasons on April 11th, 2019.

2. Waste-free City

2.1 Economics of waste management of the Capital City of Prague

Resulting indicator value58 %58 %56 %66 %66 %90,30 %79,42 %
CalculationTotal costs / Total incomes [%]
Total costs for OH (mil. CZK)1 487,181 530,021 600,531 717,581 781,671 862,862 182,97
Total revenues including contribution from EKO-KOM (mil. CZK)862,02883,79899,381 125,31 177,961 685,851 773,63
Costs converted to 1 inhabitant (CZK)1 148,831 169,161 208,61 286,51 397,871 460,601 576,46
Income converted to 1 inhabitant (CZK)650,45658,72679,15842,9924,211 321,811 251,96

Source: Evaluation of the waste management system of the Capital City of Prague in 1998–2022

2.2 Total municipal waste production in Prague

Resulting indicator value58,15 %58,64 %57,95 %57,06 %58,41 %57,74 %55,27 %
Total amount of municipal waste (kt)430,3432,8440,9451,8446443,40459,26
Mixed municipal waste250,2253,8255,5257,8260,5256,00253,81

Source: Evaluation of the waste management system of the Capital City of Prague in years 1998–2022

2.3 Energy utilization of SKO

Resulting indicator value 92,17 %93,08 %94,08 %92,89 %87,51 %91,60 %95,95 %
Energy recovery of SKO92,17 %93,08 %94,08 %92,89 %87,51 %91,60 %95,95 %
SKO landfilling7,83 %6,92 %5,92 %7,11 %12,49 %8,40 %4,05 %
Amount of iron scrap captured at ZEVO Malešice4 293,58 t4 162,20 t4 881,23 t5 442,62 t5 471,30 t4 921,86 t6 569,00 t

Source: Internal communication with OCP MHMP and Pražské služby, a. s.

2.4 Quantity of separate collection per capita

paper (kg)17,3718,0418,6517,9419,4020,2017,84
glass (kg) 12,8413,2913,9213,8114,9415,0013,96
plastic (kg)10,7411,2211,8411,5812,5813,0012,38
beverage carton (kg)0,760,760,820,840,880,880,68
metals (kg)0,110,20,320,470,590,650,67
edible oils (kg)NANANANA0,140,130,08

Source: Evaluation of the waste management system of the Capital City of Prague in years 1998–2022.

2.5 Waste sorting efficiency

Sorting efficiency (material use only)27,10 %29,90 %27,10 %27,80 %28,68 %29,95 %31,31 %
Proportion of waste used (material and energy recovery) 83 %84 %84 %83 %81 %83,70 %89,80 %

Source: Internal communication with OCP MHMP

2.6 Method of waste management (percentage share in the total production of waste)

Percentage of total waste production
Material used27,0%28,0%27,1%27,8%28,7%30,0%31,0%
Burned (energy used)56,0%57,0%56,5%55,6%52,0%53,7%59,0%

Source: Evaluation of the waste management system of the Capital City of Prague in the years 1998–2022

2.7 Construction and demolition wastes

Collection yards (t)26 85525 96227 23428 81429 42026 59416 011
Mobile collection yards (t)53,3463,5192,5591,3846,41NANA

Note: This is the amount (t) of selected construction and demolition waste at the collection yards operated by the Capital City of Prague and mobile collection yards of the Capital City of Prague (discontinued in 06/2021)

Source: Evaluation of the waste management system of the Capital City of Prague in years 1998-2022

2.8 Total biowaste production

Resulting indicator value100 %100 %100 %100 %100 %100 %100 %
CalculationComposted / Total production [%]
Total BIO production (t)9 3968 94010 60114 84717 64822 07123 694
Our of that already composted (t)*9 3968 94010 60114 84717 64822 07123 694
BIO production per capita (kg)7,246,778,0011,0013,8517,0018,25

Source: Evaluation of the waste management system of the Capital City of Prague in years 1998–2022. *This is the amount of waste transported to the Slivenec composting plant.

2.9 Raw material utilization of biowaste

Resulting indicator value97 39686 53896 057105 60695 189103 282104 127
h3 Biowaste received at the city's collection yards (t)6 9766 4777 4666 7298 0276 5546 118
h3 Biowaste accepted by mobile collection yards (t)3543425321NANA
h3 Biowaste - bulk containers in the streets (t)1 2021 0581 2801 268849583718
h3 Composting plant of Prague Capital City in Slivenec (t)140411631699648624645
h3 Stable biowaste collection point in Prague 10 - Malešice (t)1 0168661 1811 0631 3801 170932
h3 Biowaste from household containers (t)88 00077 59885 45790 80077 55081 21180 449
h3 Hygiene dewatered sewage sludge (t)2785N/A4 9946 71413 14015 265

h3 Source: Evaluation of the waste management system of the Capital Cityof Prague in years 1998–2022

2.10 Bulk waste

Total amount (t)30 84634 20537 58540 62739 80537 28237 821
Amount per capita (kg)23,8326,1428,3830,4331,2329,0027,31

Source: Evaluation of the waste management system of the Capital City of Prague in years 1998–2022

2.11 Utilization of take - back points

Quantity of collected electrical equipment according to categories (t):
TVs and monitors819,60805,7970,4899,2628,4444,70396,70
Other ASEKOL equipment415,64377,1365,5392,201,801,90
Cooling group882,41880,8916,9905,7915,8929,90995,20
Large and small appliances ELEKTROWIN1 228,391 296,61 527,61 791,002 137,701 945,401 972,60
Stationary red containers:
Number of take-back points for electrical equipment - red containers293296299293307298303
Small electrical equipment224,90330,03306,1432,5329,5339,80590,85

Source: Internal communication with OCP MHMP and ECOBAT, s. r. o. (Ltd.)

2.12 Collection yards

Number of visits to collection yards of the Capital City of Prague388 602391 079424 411429 409419 745354 857386 910
Number of collection yards and mobile collection yards of the Capital City of Prague898210190451920

Note: Operation of mobile collection yards was discontinued as of 06/2021

Source: Internal communication with OCP MHMP

2.13 Second-hand collection yards (re-use centres)

Resulting indicator value 083,5%83,9%79,9%87,7%
CalculationIssued (sold) material / Obtained material
Number of pieces of issued (sold) material02643 9623 1087 604
Number of pieces of material obtained03164 7253 8898 666
The total number on the territory of the Capital City of Prague03358
Selected textile for social enterprises (t)68,458,738,229,6

Source: Internal communication with OCP MHMP; Evaluation of the waste management system of the Capital City of Prague in the years 1998–2022

2.14 Re-use centres in Prague (Swap) - Organized by Prague City Hall

Number of events00136
Duration (h)0072142
Estimated amount of items brought (kg)001 0006 8004 074

Source: Internal communication with OCP, MHMP

2.15 Trips of collection companies

Resulting indicator value40 %37 %45 %41 %45 %47 %48 %
CalculationSeparations for separated waste / Total number of departures [%]
Number of trips (shifts) of collection vehicles for SKO and trade waste32 18433 33835 37432 54131 44931 10431 568
Number of trips (shifts) of the collection vehicles for separated waste21 08219 97328 46922 38725 63427 61828 846

Source: Internal communication with the companies Pražské služby, a. s. (Plc.), AVE, a. s. (Plc), Komwag, a. s. (Plc.), and Ipodec, a. s. (Plc.)

2.16 Number of kilometres driven

Resulting indicator value35 %42 %42 %45 %47 %49 %48 %
CalculationDepartures for separated waste / Driven kilometers [%]
Number of vehicle kilometres driven by vehicles of collection companies for SKO and trade waste3 296 077 km3 014 255 km3 262 574 km2 781 229 km2 887 229 km2 830 580 km2 976 569 km
Number of vehicle kilometres travelled by vehicles of collection companies for separated waste1 789 940 km2 175 285 km2 381 559 km2 256 562 km2 537 622 km2 695 705 km2 764 551 km

Source: Internal communication with Pražské služby, a. s. (Plc.), Ave, a. s. (Plc), Komwag and Ipodec, a. s. (Plc.) For 2017 no value was available for Komwag, a. s. (Plc.), which within the Prague Waste Consortium 2016–2025 carries out the collection of SKO in the territory of Prague 2.

2.17 Using the door-to-door system

Resulting indicator value29 %31 %35 %40 %62 %73 %75 %
CalculationNumber of collection points connected to a door-to-door system or other alternative system / Total number of separation points [%]
Number of collection points connected to the system door-to-door or other alternative system1 3621 5111 8903 1827 868 13 23114 278
Total number of separation points 4 7324 9075 3247 87712 639 18 02219 084
Number of outdoor separation points3 3703 3963 4344 6954 7414 7914 806
Number of separation points in the interior of the house 1 3621 5111 8903 1827 89813 23114 278
Number of places where the delivery is carried out10 58710 3518 97012 45412 2126 5977 052

Source: Data on the number of separation points for the entire territory of the Capital City of Prague were provided on the basis of internal communication by the company Pražské služby, a. s. (Plc.) Number of places with realised delivery provided based on internal communication of the company Pražské služby a. s. (Plc.), Komwag, a. s. (Plc.), AVE, a. s. (Plc.), and Ipodec. a. s. (Plc)

2.18 Ecological collection vehicles

Resulting indicator value106,52 %91,11 %17,31 %16,08 %15,61 %15,32 %15,32 %
CalculationNumber of collection vehicles using alternative fuel propulsion / Number of collection vehicles [%]
Number of collection vehicles4645283342346346346
Pražské služby, a.s. (Plc.)44374551515149
Komwag, a. s. (Plc.)2100000
Ipodec, a. s. (Plc.)2233322
AVE, a. s. (Plc.)1111002

Source: Internal communication with Pražské služby, a. s. (Plc.), Komwag, a. s. (Plc.), Ipodec, a. s. (Plc.), and AVE, a. s. (Plc.)

2.19 Utilization of collection vehicles for alternative fuels

Resulting indicator value11 %12 %10 %13 %11 %11 %11 %
CalculationNumber of vehicle-kilometres driven by alternative fuel vehicles / Number of vehicle-kilometres driven by all collection vehicles
Number of vehicle kilometres driven by alternative fuel vehicles558 317601 550551 615635 116596 169626 502640 201
AVE, a. s. (Plc.)18 00010 50015 00014 200002 000
Ipodec, a. s. (Plc.)43 70845 77943 27063 56761 89362 66365 033
Pražské služby, a.s. s. (Plc.)496 609503 646493 345557 349534 276563 839573 168
Komwag, a. s. (Plc.)NA41 62500000
Number of vehicle kilometres driven by all collection vehicles5 086 0175 189 5405 644 1335 037 7915 424 8515 526 2855 741 120
Vehicle kilometres for separated waste1 789 9402 175 2852 381 5592 256 5622 537 6222 695 7052 764 551
Vehicle kilometres for SKO together with trade waste3 296 0773 014 2553 262 5742 781 2292 887 2292 830 5802 976 569

Source: Internal communication with Pražské služby, a. s. (Plc.), Komwag, a. s. (Plc.), AVE, a. s. (Plc.), and Ipodec, a. s.(Plc.)

2.20 Use of rain gauges

Resulting value of the indicator (rain gauges)9,929,549,549,199,549,739,73
CalculationCity area / Number of rain gauges
CCP area496 km2496 km2496 km2496 km2496 km2496 km2496 km2
Rain gauges operated by PVK23232323232323
Rain gauges operated by CHMI*27292931292828
Resulting value of the indicator (meteorological sensors)16,5323,6222,5523,6223,6221,5721,57
CalculationCity area / Number of meteorological sensors
Meteorometers on TSK roads30212221212323

Source: Internal communication with PVK and TSK. *Data on CHMI rain gauges see "CHMI HPPS - Current information of hydrological forecasting service", available from

2.21 Permeable areas

Resulting indicator value27 831 ha56,17 %27 771 ha55,88 %27 724 ha55,80 %27 657 ha55,65 %27 602 ha55,54 %27 578 ha55,58 %
Growing landscape2 605 ha5,25 %2 689 ha5,41 %2 672 ha5,38 %2 656 ha5,34 %2 621 ha5,27 %2 634 ha5,31 %
Forest landscape5 504 ha11,09 %5 498 ha11,06 %5 496 ha11,06 %5 493 ha11,05 %5 492 ha11,05 %5 655 ha11,40 %
Non-forested landscape3 928 ha7,92 %3 993 ha8,03 %3 983 ha8,02 %3 975 ha8,00 %3 969 ha7,99 %3 996 ha8,05 %
Natural recreation3 003 ha6,05 %3 067 ha6,17 %3 074 ha6,19 %3 093 ha6,22 %3 102 ha6,24 %3 122 ha6,29 %
Active recreation1 004 ha2,10 %1 151 ha2,32 %1 149 ha2,31 %1 166 ha2,35 %1 157 ha2,33 %1 161 ha2,34 %
Waste and resources147 ha0,30 %148 ha0,30 %148 ha0,30 %148 ha0,30 %148 ha0,30 %148 ha0,30 %
Agricultural landscape11 640 ha23,46 %11 225 ha22,59 %11 202 ha22,54 %11 126 ha22,39 %11 113 ha22,36 %10 862 ha21,89 %

Source: The data are based on territorial analytical data prepared by the Institute of Planning and Development of Prague.

2.22 Rain tanks

CategoryAmount of elementsLevel area (m2)Ponding Volume (m3)Amount of elementsLevel area (m2)Ponding Volume (m3)Amount of elementsLevel area (m2)Ponding Volume (m3)Amount of elementsLevel area (m2)Ponding Volume (m3)Amount of elementsLevel area (m2)Ponding Volume (m3)Amount of elementsLevel area (m2)Ponding Volume (m3)Amount of elementsLevel area (m2)Ponding Volume (m3)
Resulting indicator value - sum1012 621 894,54 471 810,01652 829 364,06 947 625,0165,02 949 483,07 191 984,0171,03 281 127,09 142 004,0171,04 059 377,06 909 949,01754 313 2277 055 0921754 313 2277 055 092
Ponds651 133 580,51 551 166,081851 020,01 903 937,081,0971 139,02 148 296,083,01 176 965,02 540 215,083,01 176 965,02 540 215,0871 430 8152 685 378871 430 8152 685 378
Retention tanks28471 139,0314 399,036760 242,01 430 724,036,0760 242,01 430 724,039,0859 160,02 864 075,039,01 637 410,0632 020,0391 637 410632 000391 637 410632 000
Rainwater settling tanks (DUN)**NANANA39NANA39,0NANA39,0NANA39,0NANA39,0NANA39,0NANA
Dry polders5448 175,0856 245,05385 842,0873 639,05,0385 842,0873 639,05,0385 842,0873 639,05,0385 842,0873 639,05385 842873 6395385 842873 639
Waterworks3569 000,01 750 000,04832 260,02 739 325,04,0832 260,02 739 325,05,0859 160,02 864 075,05,0859 160,02 864 075,05859 1602 864 0755859 1602 864 075

Source: The data come from the records of the Forests of the Capital City of Prague.

2.23 Relief chambers

Resulting indicator value4,83 %4,83 %4,79 %4,76 %NANANA
CalculationNumber of relief chambers equipped with sensors / Total number of relief chambers in the capital [%]
Number of relief chambers equipped with sensors7777777
The total number of relief chambers in the capital145145146147NANANA

Source: Internal communication with PVK, MZE

2.24 Utilization of recycled water in buildings owned by the City of Prague

Resulting indicator value0,0%0,0%0,3%0,9%3,1%NA0,3%
CalculationRecycled water consumption / Total water consumption in public sector buildings [%]
Recycled water consumption m3 m33 529 m310 334 m37 895 m35 195 m33 261 m3
Total water consumption in public sector buildings (domestic hot water and cold water)1 506 823,820 m31 187 699,670 m31 385 154,701 m31 141 642,500 m3251 838,780 m3NA1 101 345 m3
Central wastewater treatment plant873 051 m3869 566 m3658 611 m3602 556 m3662 673 m32 172 644 m32 174 506 m3
Subsidiary wastewater treatment plants (20 plants)20 058 m320 391 m321 036 m321 687 m321 709 m3132 501 m3124 943 m3

Source: The data relate to the number of 1175 registered buildings in the Capital City of Prague information system, that are owned by the Capital City of Prague.

2.25 Utilization of sewage sludge

Hygienic dewatered sludge from wastewater treatment88 000 t77 598 t85 457 t90 800 t77 550 t81 211 t80 449 t
Storage on agricultural land89 %94 %89 %89 %86 %93 %93 %
Composting7 %3 %11 %11 %14 %7 %7 %
Energy recovery4 %3 %0 %0 %0 %0 %0 %

Source: Internal communication with PVK

2.26 Thermal and electrical energy from the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant

Percentage of thermal self-sufficiency of the WWTP100 %100 %100 %100 %100 %99 %99 %
Percentage of self-sufficiency in electricity consumption at the WWTP56 %56 %87 %82 %87 %99 %99 %

Source: Internal communication with PVK

2.27 Energy utilization of biowaste

Resulting indicator value10 094,43 t2 532,57 t14 766,68 t13 568,48 t13 920,48 t12 881,97 t11 801,28 t
Liquid waste received and processed by the WWTP in the City of Prague10 094,43 t2 532,57 t14 766,68 t13 568,48 t13 920,48 t12 881,97 t<11>801,28 t
Biogas production at the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant*14 810 698 Nm316 285 510 Nm317 358 766 Nm315 063 150 Nm315 044 000 Nm316 643 924 Nm317 658 000 Nm3
Biomethane production for the gas distribution network (Nm3) *NANANANANANA60 313 Nm3

*Nm3 = normative cubic meter

Source: Internal communication with PVK.

2.28 Wastewater raw materials and wastewater energy

Biogas volume14 810 698 Nm316 285 510 Nm317 357 124 Nm315 063 150 Nm315 044 000 Nm316 643 924 Nm317 658 000 Nm3
Amount of produced electrical and thermal energy within the WWTP57 165 MWh68 094 MWh66 387 MWh61 195 MWh57 038,39 MWh69 031,13 MWh68 996,68 MWh

Source: Internal communication with PVK

2.29 Smart waste bins

Resulting indicator value0 %3 %3 %2 %2 %5 %20 %
CalculationNumber of smart bins / Total number of bins
Number of smart waste containers304904604604961 2515 696
Number of smart waste containers operated within OICT projects304544244244601 2155 660
Number of smart waste bins - Zoological Garden of Prague Capital City0363636363636
Total number of waste bins16 25416 59318 35521 60021 07322 96223 312
Waste bins of the city districts**7 6977 7119 17112 49412 66814 13415 073
Waste bins of Dopravní podnik a. s. (Plc.)71576810791 0031 0781 0251 067
Waste bins of the Pražské služby, a. s. (Plc.)5 9726 2446 2306 2226 2576 3296 364
Waste bins Department of Environmental Protection of the City of Prague1 0501 0501 0501 0651 070838808
Waste bins operated by JCDecaux820820825816NA636NA

*Out of the total number of 57 districts, 50 provided the data in 2017: 41; 2018: 41; 2019: 44; 2020: 44 **Out of the total number of 57 districts the data were provided in 2017-2018: 41; 2019-2020: 44; 2021:46

Source: 2017 - Passportization of waste containers of the company OICT, a. s. (Plc.) Other years - Internal communication with individual districts, OCP MHMP, DPP, Pražské služby, a. s. (Plc.), and JCDecaux.

3. Smart Buildings and Energy

3.1 Energy consumption in public buildings (energy performance)

Annual energy consumption [MWh] in public buildings owned by the Capital City of Prague265 509,825272 051,550280 451,503260 014,69188 429,58160 872,4414 632,5
Calculated energy consumption according to day-degrees [MWh]292 410,388328 800,057340 937,945317 812,10190 930,41183 437,3480 389,0
Number of day degrees2 939,3002 678,4002662,82 648,403 194,702 838,92794,0
Long-term average number of day degrees3 237,1
Public buildings owned by the Capital City of Prague registered in the information system – number of buildings1 28912431279124512488761 667

Source: Internal communication with the Department of Sustainable Energy of the OCP MHMP

3.2 Non-renewable primary energy consumption in public buildings

Number of buildings owned by the City Hall1 2891 2431 2791 2451 2488761 667
ElectricityAnnual energy consumption in public buildings76 62070 274,6479 029,5569 846,3560 085,559 519,9156 510,8
Annual consumption of non-renewable primary energy [MWh] in public buildings229 861,104210 823,92237 088,66181 600,51156 222,3154 751,8406 928,2
GasAnnual energy consumption [MWh] in public buildings108 883,85118 725,17105 276,90104 240,3678 759,9100 786,9106 139,9
Annual consumption of non-renewable primary energy [MWh] in public buildings119 772,235130 597,69115 804,59104 240,3678 759,9100 786,9106 139,9
HeatAnnual consumption of non-renewable primary energy [MWh] in public buildings72 732,37083 051,7496 145,0585 927,9800151 981,8
Annual heat energy consumption [MWh] in public buildings80 005,60783 051,7496 145,0577 335,1800136 783,6
Total consumptionTotal annual consumption of non - renewable primary energy [MWh] in public buildings429 638,946424 473,347449 038,299363 176,05257 009,2211 671,8649 851,7
Total annual consumption of non-renewable primary energy [MWh] in public buildings after recalculation according to daily degrees473 168,520513 016,230545 884,737443 904,70293 058,8138 572,5752 911,6
Number of day degrees2 939,3002 678,4002 662,8002 648,402 838,93 741,02 794,0
Long-term average number of day degrees3 237,1

Source: Internal communication with the Department of Sustainable Energy of the OCP MHMP

3.3 Carbon footprint of public buildings

Resulting indicator value131 118 t94 768 t123 276 t112 599 t92 216 t71 831 t193 182 t
Resulting indicator value recalculated according to the degree days144 402 t114 537 t149 863 t137 628 t93 440 t81 906 t223 818 t
CalculationCO2 emissions in public buildings related to energy consumption
Number of buildings owned by the Capital City of Prague for which statistics are calculated1 2891 2431 2791 2451 2488761 667
Number of day degrees2 939,3002 678,4002662,82 648,4003 194,7002 839,02 794,0
Long-term average number of day degrees3 237,1
CO2 emissions in public buildings related to energy consumption – energy carrier electricity89 645,792 t71 089,826 t79 946,296 t70 656,568 t65 433,464 t51 674 t134 599 t
CO2 emissions in public buildings related to energy consumption – energy carrier gas21 776,782 t23 678,549 t19 661,214 t20 789,697 t15 707,866 t20 157 t21 169 t
CO2 emissions in public buildings related to energy consumption – energy carrier thermal energy19 695,117 tNA23 668,191 t21 153,063 t11 074,434 tNA37 414 t

Source: Internal communication with the Department of Sustainable Energy of the OCP MHMP

3.4 Energy and water costs

Energy costs453 072 677 Kč512 151 965 Kč553 649 412 Kč497 190 024 Kč259 174 971 Kč608 559 368 Kč1 195 327 359 Kč
Number of buildings to which the data refers – from the Capital City of Prague information system1 1751 2431 2791 2451 2488761 667

Source: Internal communication with the Department of Sustainable Energy of the OCP MHMP and VEZ. Cost prediction applied for part of the buildings as billing data is not yet available.

3.5a Energy performance class of public buildings

Resulting indicator value5,325,324,264,264,284,34NA
CalculationWeighted average of energy performance classes of public buildings owned by the City of Prague
The total number of public buildings owned by the City of Prague with the developed PENB (Energy Performance Certificate)492492510510536589NA

Source: Internal communication with the Department of Sustainable Energy of the OCP MHMP

3.5b Energy performance class of public buildings

Classification classVerbal expression of the classification classAssigned numerical valueNumber of buildings
AExtremely efficient12222NA
BVery efficient224242526NA
DLess efficient4166166173188NA
FVery inefficient645454854NA
GExtremely inefficient729293142NA

Source: Internal communication with the Department of Sustainable Energy of the OCP MHMP

3.6 Public buildings with almost zero consumption

Resulting indicator value000,00010,0001
CalculationTotal number of public buildings with almost zero consumption / Total number of public buildings
The total number of public buildings with almost zero consumption0011
The total number of public buildings owned by the Capital City of Prague7 8197 8197 8197 819

Source: Internal communication with the Department of Sustainable Energy of the OCP MHMP

3.7 Energy monitoring

The total number of public buildings with energy monitoring and intelligent control at a high level of automation62229565656
Total number of energy-active public buildingsNANANANANANA

Source: OICT internal resources

3.8 Digitization rate of distribution systems

Výsledná hodnota indikátoru - míra digitalizace distribučních soustav1,1%1,2%1,6%1,8%1,8%2,1%2,4%
Calculation% of smart meters within the distribution network PREdi, Prague Gas Distribution, PVK
Final value of the indicator - digitization rate of the electrical distribution network (PREdistribuce a. s. (Ltd.))0,9%0,9%1,2%1,3%1,0%1,2%1,4%
Final value of the indicator - digitization rate of the gas distribution network (Pražská plynárenská, a.s. (Ltd.))0,5%0,5%0,7%0,8%0,8%0,9%1,0%
Final value of the indicator - digitization rate of the water distribution network (PVK a.s. (Ltd.))4,9%5,9%7,2%9,1%10,9%12,7%14,4%
Calculation% of smart meters within the distribution network PREdi, Prague Gas Distribution, PVK
Number of smart meters14 62115 85321 21524 66824 04228 68432 969
Number of smart meters, PREdistribuce a. s.7 0007 00010 00011 0008 00010 00011 800
Number of smart meters Pražská plynárenská, a. s. (Ltd.)212021502 9713 2903 4803 8204 031
Number of smart PVK meters, a. s. (Ltd.)5 5016 7038 24410 37812 56214 86417 138
Total number of meters1 327 9581 326 9351 345 2211 352 4531 350 6821 358 6081 365 403
Total number of distribution meters, PREdistribuce a. s. (Ltd.)*791 000791 000810 000817 000818 000828 500838 500
Total number of meters Pražská plynárenská, a. s. (Ltd.)424 742423 215421 373421 086417 531413 080407 894
Total number of PVK meters, a. s. (Ltd.)112 216112 720113 848114 367115 151117 028119 009

Source: Internal communication with PREdi, a. s.(Ltd.), Pražská plynárenská, a. s.(Ltd.), and PVK, a. s.(Ltd.)

3.9 Water consumption

Resulting indicator value75,8 m374,7 m373,4 m368,3 m371,0 m371,6 m368,2 m3
CalculationQuantity of water supplied to the mains in the territory of the Capital City of Prague / Number of inhabitants of the Capital City of Prague
Quantity of water supplied to the mains in the territory of the Capital City of Prague98 097 594 m397 746 193 m397 190 076 m391 238 775 m390 458 217 m392 028 000 m394 448 000 m3
Population of Prague as of 31.12.1 294 5131 308 6321 324 2771 335 0841 274 5621 286 1201 384 732

Source: Internal communication with PVK, a. s. (Ltd.)

3.10 Smart lighting

Resulting indicator value44 6661 3181 0122501311811
CalculationTotal number of all street lamps / Number of smart lamps
Total number of smart lamps310313454910427 25411 684
Number of OICT smart lamps092920000
Number of PRE smart lamps3111112141414
Number of THMP smart lamps00315371 0287 24011 670
Total number of all street lighting lamps134 000135 868135 690138 005137 024139 060144 551

Source: Data provided on the number of smart public lighting lamps and the number of public lighting lamps in the territory of the Capital City of Prague based on internal communication with THMP

3.11 Decentralized Solar Electricity Generation

Resulting indicator value22,4 MW23,4 MW25,9 MW36,5 MW66,1 MW
CalculationInstalled solar power plant capacity in the Capital City of Prague [MW]
Number of electricity sources installed in the Capital City of Prague14811724205232056557
Average installed solar power0,015 MW0,014 MW0,013 MW0,011 MW0,010 MW
Total power and number of other electricity micro-sources23,129 MW12 zdrojů17,479 MW1017,479 MW1023,1 MW23,1 MW
Landfill Gas5,650 MW2 zdrojů5,402 MW15,402 MW15,7 MW5,7 MW
Sludge gas5,402 MW1 zdrojů12,075 MW812,075 MW85,4 MW5,4 MW
Hydropower12,075 MW8 zdrojů0,002 MW10,002 MW112,1 MW12,1 MW
Wind energy0,002 MW1 zdrojů000000

Source: Internal communication with the Energy Regulatory Office and PREdi, a. s. (Ltd.)

3.12 Unplanned water Outages

Resulting indicator value1,41,51,41,21,21,11,2
CalculationNumber of faults on the water mains network / Length of water mains network [km]
Length of water mains network [km]3 5393 5393 5453 5493 5633 6063 690
Number of faults on the water supply network4 9595 2085 0294 3724 1313 8744 487

Source: Internal communication with PVK, a. s.(Ltd.)

3.13 Heat consumption from DH

Resulting indicator value80005,6183051,7496145,0585 927,9844 986,57NA151 981,8
CalculationHeat consumption from DH in public buildings [GWh / year]

Source: Internal communication with the Department of Sustainable Energy of the OCP MHMP

3.14 Use of Grey Water for Energy Needs – Public Sector

Resulting indicator value0000,8%3,1%NA0,3%
CalculationAmount of water preheated by grey water energy / Total water consumption in public sector buildings
Amount of water preheated by energy from grey waterNANANA8 7127 8955 1953 261
Total water consumption in public sector buildings (domestic hot water and cold water)1 506 824 m31 187 700 m31 385 155 m31 141 643 m3251 839 m3NA1 101 345 m3

Source: Capital City of Prague Information System

4. Attractive Tourism

4.1 Use of Big Data in Tourism

Resulting indicator value1112133
CalculationNumber of actively used types of data sources for controlled development of tourism
Social networks and the web (e.g. Google Analytics)YesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Geographic data (e.g. mobile network)NoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Sentiment from social networksNoNoNoNoNoYesYes
Data from payment cardsNoNoNoYesNoYesYes

Source: Internal communication with Prague City Tourism, a. s. (Plc.), OICT

4.2 Tourist Feedback

CalculationNumber of interactions by a given information channel
Number of interactions in information centres1 233 3641 633 6232 043 093438 117374 9951 230 4701 319 111
Facebook600750850430NA7 0008 300
E-mail5111 9751 8608531 2442 9119 856

Source: Internal communication with Prague City Tourism, a. s. (Plc.), OICT

4.2 Geolocation Games

Resulting indicator value2411047502552
CalculationNumber of available geolocation games

Source: OICT internal resources

4.4 The attractiveness of Prague's main tourist application

Resulting indicator value4 05825 700
CalculationNumber of Android and iOS downloads
Android 95812 000
iOS3 10013 700

Source: Internal communication with Prague City Tourism, a. s. (Plc.), OICT

4.5 User rating of Prague's main tourist app

CalculationUser rating Android and iOS
Android 4,2 z 53,96 z 5
iOS4 z 53,8 z 5

Source: Internal communication with Prague City Tourism, a. s. (Plc.), OICT

4.6 Guide - robot

Resulting indicator value0222222
CalculationNumber of active guide robots

Source: Internal communication with Prague City Tourism, a. s. (Plc.), OICT

4.7 Sensor Counting of Visits

Resulting indicator value0005551
CalculationNumber of locations using sensors to count visitors

Source: Internal communication with Prague City Tourism, a. s. (Plc.), OICT

4.12 Tourist Card - number according to time variants

Resulting indicator value*7 81225 247
CalculationNumber of tourist cards sold / year
Number of PVP cards sold - 48 h3 90511 376
Number of PVP cards sold - 72 h3 17410 516
Number of PVP cards sold - 120 h7333 355

*Note: On 01. 06. 2022, a new product called Prague Visitor Pass was launched.

Source: Internal communication with Prague City Tourism, a. s. (Plc.), OICT

4.9 Tourist Card - type

Resulting indicator value7 81225 247
CalculationNumber of discounted cards sold / Total number of tourist cards sold in a given year
Number of adult PVP cards sold6 14720 410
Number of child PVP cards sold1 2333 684
Number of students PVP cards sold4321 153

*Note: On 01. 06. 2022, a new product called Prague Visitor Pass was launched.

*Note: On 01. 06. 2022, a new product called Prague Visitor Pass was launched.

4.10 Tourist Card - days

Resulting indicator value20 99771 075
CalculationNumber of days sold by tourist card / year

*Note: On 01. 06. 2022, a new product called Prague Visitor Pass was launched.

Source: Internal communication with Prague City Tourism, a. s. (Plc.), OICT

4.11 Tourist Card - use

Resulting indicator value51 782183 124
CalculationNumber of tourist card uses in specific locations

*Note: On 01. 06. 2022, a new product called Prague Visitor Pass was launched.

Source: Internal communication with Prague City Tourism, a. s. (Plc.), OICT

4.12 Tourist Card - identifier

Resulting indicator value74,6 % / 25,4 %61,7 % / 38,3 %
CalculationProportion of plastic card usage vs mobile application
Physical card (pass)5 83015 455
Mobile application (e-pass)1 9829 601

*Note: On 01. 06. 2022, a new product called Prague Visitor Pass was launched.

Source: Internal communication with Prague City Tourism, a. s. (Plc.), OICT

4.13 Tourism Productivity

Resulting indicator value56,4 % / 43,6 %57,1 % / 42,9 %57,4 % / 42,6 %36,1 % / 64 %32,2 % / 67,8 %48,8 % / 51,2 %
CalculationRatio of inbound / domestic tourism expenditures in total expenditures
The share of tourism in GVA2,8%2,8%2,8%1,5%1,5%2,2%
The share of tourism in GDP2,9%2,9%2,9%1,5%1,6%2,2%
The share of tourism in employment4,5%4,4%4,4%4,2%4,1%4,2%
Total expenditure on tourism292,5 mld. Kč295,0 mld. Kč308,0 mld. Kč135,8 mld. Kč155,2 mld. Kč285,9 mld. Kč
Expenditure by foreign visitors164,9 mld. Kč168,5 mld. Kč176,9 mld. Kč49,0 mld. Kč50,0 mld. Kč139,5 mld. Kč
Expenditure by domestic visitors127,6 mld. Kč126,5 mld. Kč131,4 mld. Kč86,9 mld. Kč105,1 mld. Kč146,4 mld. Kč

Source CZSO. The stated values are for the whole of the Czech Republic. The Capital City of Prague accounts for approximately 1/3 of the total sum of the above expenditures

4.14 Number of Visitors

Resulting indicator value7 652 7617 892 1848 029 1102 182 4432 354 7205 984 8037 442 614
CalculationTotal number of visitors (including residents)
Total number of visitors (including residents)7 652 7617 892 1848 029 1102 182 4432 354 7205 984 8031 577 633
Number of foreign visitors6 562 5186 670 7066 786 1511 453 5301 411 2564 491 6115 864 951

Source: Czech Statistical Office

4.15 Number of nights

Resulting indicator value18 055 83818 249 08418 456 2614 903 2955 257 25413 398 10416 861 664
CalculationTotal number of overnight stays
Total number of overnight stays18 055 83818 249 08418 456 2614 903 2955 257 25413 398 104NA
Average overnight stay (number of nights)2,42,32,32,22,22,22,3

Source: Czech Statistical Office

4.16 Number of Rooms and Beds

Resulting indicator value41 617 / 90 89142 487 / 93 16942 997 / 94 44444 599 / 102 12143 000 / 93 53545 004 / 98 44644 219 / 96 257
CalculationNumber of hotel rooms / Number of beds
Number of hotel-type rooms35 06635 50835 96038 94937 43138 76737 840
Number of non-hotel type rooms6 5516 9797 0375 6505 5696 2376 379
Total number of rooms (all accommodations)41 61742 48742 99744 59943 00045 00444 219
Number of beds in hotels73 81174 98276 60286 23978 75081 84479 122
Number of beds in other accommodation facilities17 08018 18717 84215 88214 78516 60217 135
Total number of beds90 89193 16994 444102 12193 53598 44696 257

Source: Czech Statistical Office

4.17 Occupancy of Rooms

Resulting indicator value67 % / 69,5 %66,3 % / 69,2 %67,8 % / 70,2 %23,8 % / 27,4 %23,1 % / 26,9 %45,9 % / 51,6 %55,9 % / 62,3 %
CalculationNet use of beds [%] / Net use of rooms [%]
Net occupancy of beds67,0%66,3%67,8%23,8%23,1%45,9%55,9%
Net occupancy of rooms69,5%69,2%70,2%27,4%26,9%51,6%62,3%

Source: Czech Statistical Office

5. People and the Urban Environment

5.1 Number of My Prague app users

Resulting indicator value078 42088 05485 46188 55389 13291 048

Source: OICT internal resources

5.2 Number of Změň app users

Resulting indicator value020 98428 99330 42133 37734 45832 769

Source: OICT internal resources

5.3 Number of submitted proposals within the Změň app

Resulting indicator valueNANA5 89514 11312 14113 19413 046

Source: OICT internal resources

5.4 - City website I Have an Idea

Resulting indicator value53 %26 %48 %79 %88 %5 %7 %
CalculationNumber of ideas approved / Number of ideas received [%]
Number of ideas received72702747492027
Number of ideas approved381813374312
Mobility of the Future18128111911
Waste-free city1003200
Smart Buildings and Energy0122100
Attractive Tourism0000100
People and the City Environment1743202001
Data Area2101000

Source: OICT internal resources

5.5 SOS Buttons with Communicator

Resulting indicator value289310316305305305305
CalculationNumber of places with SOS buttons with communicators
Number of SOS communicators for passengers in the subway1111110000
Number of SOS communicators for tram passengers278299305305305305305

Source: Internal communication with DPP

5.6 Smart Camera Systems

Resulting indicator value72 %72 %72 %29 %29 %26 %74 %
CalculationNumber of cameras connected to analytical software / Number of TSK cameras in MKS
Number of cameras connected to the analytical software607607607246246216247
Video detection in tunnels47947947986865687
Comprehensive telematics transport system128128128160160160160
Number of TSK cameras in IKS843843843847849843335

Source: Internal communication with TSK, a. s. (Plc.), IKS - Integrated camera system, i.e. city camera system of the Capital City of Prague with integrated third party camera systems

5.7 AI for Risk Phenomena Detection

Resulting indicator value4 679 / 984 712 / 994 742 / 994 765 / 1174 777 / 1174 817 / 1174 835 / 118
CalculationNumber of cameras integrated into the municipal camera system (MCS) / Number of client workplaces
Number of cameras integrated in the Integrated Camera System (ICS)4 6794 7124 7424 7654 7774 8174 835
Cameras of the Capital City of Prague1 0981 1311 1611 1841 1961 1961 214
City district of Prague 8783783783783783783783
Electronic fence (protection of monuments) - Prague 131313131313131
Dopravní podnik, a. s. (Plc.)1 8251 8251 8251 8251 8251 8651 865
Technical administration of communications, a. s. (Plc.)846846846846846846846
Administration of services for the Capital City of Prague96969696969696
Number of client workplaces989999117117117118

Source: Internal communication with the Security Department of the Security Infrastructure Department of the Capital City of Prague

5.8 Number of smart solutions supporting health in the city

Resulting indicator value111241315
Emergency and health care1111045
Use of artificial intelligence0000045
Health promoting information tools0001455

Source: OICT internal resources

5.9 Number of Smart Technologies SupportingSsports and Leisure Activities

Resulting indicator value111331919
Sports field with smart technologies000221010
Use of artificial intelligence0000044
Information tools supporting sport1111155

Source: OICT internal resources

5.10 Number of Urban Green Areas with a Smart Solution

Resulting indicator value33612197795
CalculationTotal amount of urban green areas with smart solutions
Number of urban green areas with sensors*112675870
Number of urban green areas with sensors and smart irrigation system**2246121925

Source: Internal communication with the district. *Out of the total number of 57 districts, 50 provided the data in 2017-2018: 39; 2019: 41; 2020: 43; 2021: 44; 2022: 57

5.11 Urban Green Space with a Smart Solution

Resulting indicator value0,002%0,002%0,009%0,023%0,035%0,505%1,147%NA
CalculationShare of green area with a smart solution / Total green area
Green area with a smart solution* [km2]0,0061650,0061650,0231650,0559650,08761,2540732,846796
Total green area in Prague[i] [km2]249,12248,82248,66248,24248,24248,24248,24

Source: Summary overviews of the land fund from the data of the Real Estate Cadastre of the Czech Republic for the given years (ČÚZK), internal sources of the OICT. *Out of the total number of 57 districts, 50 provided the data in 2017-2018: 38; 2019: 40; 2020: 41; 2021: 42; 2022: 57

5.12 Number of Vertical Gardens in the Built-up Area of Prague

Resulting indicator value12456911

Source: OICT internal resources

5.13 Urban Farming in Public Space

Resulting indicator value22 000 m2NA40 000 m2NANANA
CalculationThe total area of community gardens in the Capital City of Prague

Source: Internal communication with KOKOZA, o. p. s.

5.14 Growing communities

Resulting indicator value18274355626468
CalculationNumber of community gardens in the Capital City of Prague

Source: Internal communication with KOKOZA, o. p. s.

5.15 Community Gardeners

Resulting indicator value251NA836NANANA
CalculationNumber of community gardeners farming in community gardens

Source: Internal communication with KOKOZA, o. p. s.

5.16 Measurement of the State of the Environment in Public Space

Resulting indicator valueNA1001046962161135
CalculationNumber of sensors or stations measuring the state of the environment in public space

Source: Internal communication with TSK and THMP, a. s. (Plc.), internal OICT resources and other available resources

5.17 City coverage by stations measuring environmental quality

Resulting indicator valueNA0,20160,20970,13910,12500,32460,2722
Calculation% coverage of the city area with measuring stations for assessing the quality of the environment

Sources: Own calculation from previously available indicators

5.18 Number of localities equipped with technologies for automatic counting of cyclists and pedestrians

Resulting indicator value26273035353535
CalculationNumber of localities equipped with technologies for automatic counting of cyclists and pedestrians
Sites with cycle counters262730303030
Locations with pedestrian sensors0005555

Source: OICT internal resourceses

5.19 Number of pieces of smart furniture

Resulting indicator value0,171,291,252,163,5317,2634,98
CalculationNumber of pieces of smart furniture / City area
Total number of pieces of smart furniture826396201 0701 7498 56117 348
Smart lamps31001005491 0427 25411 684
Smart benches10101111544
Smart signs000016300
Smart trash cans695295095105391 3075 660
City area496 km2496 km2496 km2496 km2496 km2496 km2496 km2

Source: Internal communication with individual districts, zoos. The data are based on the number of pieces of smart furniture operated by OICT, MHMP and other city districts of the Capital City of Prague

5.20 Public Wi-Fi hotspots

Resulting indicator valueNA1721721427878NA
CalculationNumber of public Wi-Fi hotspots

Source: The data come from the website of the supplier VERB Group and from the smart furniture operated by OICT.

5.21 Signal and Internet coverage of the Prague metro

Resulting indicator value6,55% ; 9,83%19,67% ; 20,43%26,23% ; 25,65%59,02% ; 52,53%98,36% ; 100%98,36% ; 100%98,36% ; 100%
CalculationNumber of metro stations / Number of metro stations covered by the signal ; Subway length / Subway length covered by the signal
Number of metro stations61616161616161
The total length of the subway65,165,165,165,165,165,165,1
Number of metro stations covered by the signal4121636606060
The total length of the subway covered by the signal6,413,316,734,265,165,165,1

Source: Internal communication with DPP

5.22 Number of digitized agendas

Resulting indicator value0004152533

Source: OICT internal resources

5.23 Number of users of digitised services

Resulting indicator value00096738 40232 11332 224

Source: OICT internal resources

5.24 Number of processed applications

Resulting indicator value000121 8764 3304 134

Source: OICT internal resources

5.25 Participatory district budget

Resulting indicator value17,5%21,1%19,3%22,8%33,3%35,1%35,1%
CalculationDistrict with participatory budget / All Prague districts [%]
Nmuber of districts with participatory budget10121113192020
Total number of districts57575757575757

Source: Internal communication with the district, internal OICT resources. *Out of the total number of 57 districts, 50 provided the data in 2017-2020: 50; 2021: 48; 2022: 57

5.26 Funds for participation

Resulting indicator value0,36 %0,38 %0,40 %0,36 %0,30 %0,36 %0,49 %
Calculationparticipatory budget / total budget [%]
District funds allocated to the participatory budget35 547 00040 640 90038 486 00031 686 00021 312 10024 352 80032 971 700
Municipal funds (total budget)9 753 567 11210 557 921 6939 678 397 0548 852 775 7917 072 583 9916 731 301 2526 789 889 801

Source: Internal communication with the district, internal OICT resources. *Out of the total number of 57 districts, 50 provided the data in 2017: 24; 2018: 24; 2019: 25; 2020: 25; 2021: 40; 2022: 57

5.27 Participatory budget success

Resulting indicator value30 %28 %45 %37 %29 %31 %31 %
CalculationNumber of projects selected for implementation / Number of proposed projects [%]
Number of proposed projects within the participation145151170146226274307
Number of selected projects for implementation within the participation44427654668496

Source: Internal communication with the district, internal OICT resources. Out of the total number of 57 districts, data were provided in 2017: 24; 2018: 24; 2019: 26; 2020: 25; 2021: 36; 2022: 57

6. Data Area

6.1 Number of Golemio Client panel / Golemio BI users

Resulting indicator value687689521 0081 057
CalculationSum of users for individual months

Source: Internal OICT resources - Golemio data platform

6.2 Number of dashboards and other outputs in Golemio Client panel / Golemio BI

Resulting indicator value60110128145104
CalculationNumber of available dashboards and other outputs

Source: Internal OICT resources

6.3 Number of Golemio Open API users

Resulting indicator value93101170320351475
CalculationSum of unique visits

Source: Google Analytics

6.4 Opening data at the City Hall

Resulting indicator value06311108

Source: Internal communication with the Prague City Hall

6.5 Prague City Data Congress

Number of speakers2133172120
Number of visitors130280620420590

Source: Internal OICT resources - Golemio data platform