Interior navigation for citizens on the premises of the Škoda Palace

Safety and health


For better orientation in the Škoda Palace, a mobile app has been created that helps when visiting this building. Thanks to interior navigation, it is possible to find an agenda according to the life situation you need to solve and navigate you to the right office. The app can find the path by the name of the department and the division as well as by the name of a specific official. At the same time, it offers the possibility of navigating to other places in the building - the children's corner, a vending machine, toilets and more. The aim of the project is to achieve easier orientation and movement of visitors on the premises of the Škoda Palace for handling individual agendas. When requesting navigation, the citizen obtains up-to-date information about office hours and is informed before the start of navigation whether to make or postpone the navigated route, or to hurry to arrive during office hours.



·       Possibility of navigation to individual workplaces of the Škoda Palace

·       Easier orientation and movement of visitors in the building of the Škoda Palace

·       Navigation according to individual agendas to be processed

·       Possibility of navigation to the point of interest (toilets, refreshments, resting places)

·       Navigation to the exit after processing the agenda according to the choice of exit from the building

·       Choice of route for different types of visitors according to their physical capabilities

·       Up-to-date information about office hours

·       Navigation to a specific official based on his name

·       Navigation for immobile citizens or citizens requiring barrier-free access

·       Navigation for MHMP employees



11/2016 - 09/2018

Based on the experience and results of the pilot testing, the product was evaluated as technically very well functional and advanced. Positive feedback was received from users of the app, and thanks to the positive evaluation result, routine operation of the app was recommended.


Project completion:

In 2022, the routine operation of the app was cancelled.



ICT Operátor, a.s. - project manager

Prague City Hall


Project status

Project completed

Project status

Project cancelled

Operátor ICT, a.s.

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